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Green Food
Is green food the best food? Some people think that food have more advantages than through conventional methods of food production and sales, but now some people objected to this. Green food - this is very not reunification on using of the word - supporters often claim that green food than any other food is more safety and higher in nutritional value. North American consumers are increasingly concerned about their day-to-day’s diet whether it is safe and nutritious diet or not. This development trend is good. But most of this concern by some arbitrary argument caused by food supply which is unsafe or fail to provide adequate nutrition. Although the majority of these claims have not been scientifically proven, large number of articles support this view, making ordinary people differentiate authenticity from artificial. So those who believe that only green food can prevent the disease or improve health perspectives are well known, and lead to some unscientific practices and habits. Almost every day the public was surrounded by "anti-aging" food, vitamins and other new magic with the effectiveness of the Food advertising. Natural Vitamin is superior to that of man-made vitamins, not fertilized eggs are higher in nutritional value than fertilized eggs, and disinfection without fumigation is better than processed grains. Like these reports are so commonplace, but no one is proven. Most food has a common ground, that is, their price is higher than the conventional cultivation of food. However, in many cases, if consumers believe that green food can prevent diseases and nutritional value is higher than conventional production of food, then they were misled. If consumers, especially those with limited income consumers, suspected traditional food to buy more expensive food, it should be worried. |
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